Classic all male gay xxx movies 1970s

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Divine was a revolutionary drag performer, who elevated the form from female impersonation into something much more interesting and challenging.

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If you don’t like this film, I hate you.”Īll of Waters’ collaborations with Divine are being shown, from the well-known trashy classics to rarely screened early underground curios, such as Roman Candles (1966) and Eat Your Make-up (1968). He has also curated a mini-season called Teabaggin’ in the Kitchen Sink: My Favourite British Films, including Derek Jarman’s Blue (1993), Freddie Francis’s loopy Joan Crawford starrer Trog (1970) and Joseph Losey’s 1968 Boom, which Waters calls “a film so beautiful and awful there is only one word to describe it: perfect.

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Explore the programme for The Complete John Waters at BFI Southbankįans of highbrow, look away now, as John Waters, ‘The Pope of Trash’, is coming to BFI Southbank for a complete retrospective, with the man himself introducing many of the screenings.

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